BioRac I
The sterilizable-in-place (SIP) BioraC fermentor is a fully automated fermentor system operated by a single PLC control system. It utilizes robust, industry- standard components and a latest version of industrial color touch screen programmable-logic controller (PLC) for its smart control and operation with increased throughput at a reasonable price. The head plate is provided with pneumatic lifting facility to lift the top lid without any effort. The Biorac i Fermentors are designed for closed aseptic operation. Air is sterilized using 0.2! sterilizable grade air filters to provide spurge and overlay aeration to the Fermentor. The Biorac comes along with all necessary piping, valves and instruments. The skid holds all the piping and all utilities need to be connected only at one point of the each skid. Inner surface finish of 220 grit Finished & electropolished Ra0.5m External surface finish of 180 grit Matt finishing. All the wetted parts will be of Stainless steel-316L and non wetted parts of Stainless Steel-304.